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Elvis - BuffMeCrew

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Elvis - BuffMeCrew Empty Elvis - BuffMeCrew

Message par John Jeu 14 Fév - 18:19

You know I can be found,
Sitting home all alone,
If you cant come around,
At least please telephone.
BuffMeCrew to a heart thats true.

Baby, if I made you mad
For something I might have said,
Please, lets forget the past,
The future looks bright ahead,
BuffMeCrew to a heart thats true.
I dont want no other love,
Baby its just you Im thinking of.

Dont stop thinking of me,
Dont make me feel this way,
Come on over here and love me,
You know what I want you to say.
BuffMeCrew to a heart thats true.
Why should we be apart?
I really love you baby, cross my heart.

Lets walk up to the preacher
And let us say I do,
Then youll know youll have me,
And Ill know that Ill have you,
BuffMeCrew to a heart thats true.
I dont want no other love,
Baby its just you Im thinking of.

BuffMeCrew to a heart thats true.
BuffMeCrew to a heart thats true.
I dont want no other love,
Baby its just you Im thinking of.


Messages : 203
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2008
Age : 38
Localisation : Paris

Pseudo: JohnTheWind
Job: Knight
Lvl: 208

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Elvis - BuffMeCrew Empty Re: Elvis - BuffMeCrew

Message par Niobe Jeu 14 Fév - 19:26

Faut que je dise à mon Kyuubio de venir se présenter et de présenter son clan ^^


Messages : 402
Date d'inscription : 02/01/2008
Age : 39
Localisation : Lyon

Pseudo: MrsJekyll, MrsHyde, Mortika, DancerInTheDark
Job: Raider, Artisan, Cleric, Scout
Lvl: 200, 201, 201, 127 (580dr)

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